Greetings from the TAGDV Election Committee, 2021. This election committee has been operational since Nov 9, 2021. Given the extremely short time available, we request your full support, understanding and co-operation in conducting a fair, representative and comprehensive election on December 12, 2021 (Date & Venue will be announced shortly)
The following are the dates/deadlines for the election.
Last day to file nominations | Dec 5, 2021 |
Last day for withdrawal of nominations | Dec 9, 2021 |
Announcement of the Final list of Candidates | Dec 11, 2021 |
Day of Election | Dec 12, 2021 |
The following are the positions open for election:
Board of Trustees | 3 | 4 years |
Executive Committee | 9 | 2 years |
Tamil School Board | 3 | 2 years |
You may nominate yourself or another member. We are appreciative of your volunteer efforts and it is only through your active participation, will we be able to continue building a strong, active and successful association.
The following are the qualifications of contestants mandated by the TAGDV bylaws:
1. Board of Trustees:
a. MUST be a TAGDV life Member
b. MUST have served on the TAGDV Executive Committee
c. In the extraordinary circumstance of unavailable members to satisfy the above, any life member during the past 5 years is eligible for nomination (5.1.2 of Bylaw)
2. Executive Committee:
a. MUST be a TAGDV member as of August 1, 2021
3. Tamil School Board:
a. MUST be a TAGDV member as of Aug 1, 2021
b. SHALL have served TAGDV
All communications regarding the elections must be addressed to the election committee at election2021@tagdv.org
The Election Committee reserves the right to respond to election-related queries at a time it deems appropriate. All nominations will be validated within 24 hours of receipt. If you do NOT receive any communication within 24 hours after filing nomination, please contact through email again.
This code of conduct has been produced for all candidates in the TAGDV elections in order to assist the smooth running of all stages of the process. The Code has been created based on TAGDV bylaws and in accordance with State and Federal laws and in consultation with an attorney specialized in non-profit organizations.
The Code
Candidates must be validly nominated by the deadline indicated in the timetable above.
Contact with members eligible to vote in the elections must not be carried out in a manner likely to cause offence or be seen as applying pressure to any member in regard to how they vote at any stage during the process.
Candidates are reminded of their obligations for the privacy and protection of personal information under the US Privacy Act. Use any information collected for election purposes only.
Only the Chairperson of the TAGDV Election Committee is authorized to issue statements about any aspect of the election procedure.
No candidate or members acting on her/his behalf will interfere or put under duress any member in regard to how they vote at any stage during the process.
Any candidate breaching this code of conduct or knowingly allowing others to do so on her/his behalf will be liable for disciplinary action. The Election Committee will not hesitate to use its powers of disqualification to enforce the code.
Thank you for your support.
Please click here for the Nomination Form.
TAGDV Election Committee 2021
This is the Election Notification from the Executive Committee with content provided by the Election Committee 2021. Going forward, all communication regarding the 2021 TAGDV Elections will directly come from the Election Committee 2021 ONLY. As per our Bylaw, the Election Committee is an independent body – PLEASE DO NOT COPY/INCLUDE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE, BOARD MEMBERS OR ANY OTHER OFFICE BEARERS OF THE SCHOOLS OR TAMIL SCHOOL BOARD, IN YOUR COMMUNICATION WITH THEM.
As always visit TAGDV Website and TAGDV Facebook Page for updates!
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