Agenda previously shared on the email to the Genneral Body:
1. Current Financial Summary/Report by the Treasurer.
2. Official ratification of the two selected TAGDV Board of Trustees –
Mr. Arvind Aravindhan and Mr.Gnanasabai Muthupalaniappan.
This is a special agenda item as only the members as of Aug 1st 2021 will be allowed to take part in the ratification process as per the by law.
3. General Updates
Here are the notes from the Special GB meeting:
– TAGDV Treasurer provided a report of the Financial summary.
– We were unable to proceed with the official ratification of the two selected TAGDV Board of Trustees Mr. Arvind Aravindhan (2-yr term) and Mr.Gnanasabai Muthupalaniappan (2-yr term) due to the lack of the Quorum required as per the by law.
– TAGDV President provided updates on the Executive Committee transition related items. The President also mentioned the lack of some financial documents during the transition and also the Official TAGDV emails which were deleted and not handed over by the Office bearers of the previous Executive committee, outlining the difficulties being faced by the current committee.
– This was met with opposition by the previous EC members.
TAGDV EC will work on a scheduling another GB meeting in the near future.
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