Siva Prasath
Phone: (Home) 610-527-4387 (Cell) 610-762-4372
Brief Bio:
I came to the USA back in Feb 1990. I was introduced to TAGDV by a good friend of mine in 1991. Since then I have been involved with TAGDV in various aspects. My wife Viji Prasath and I have served TAGDV for a number of years. She and I served in the Executive committees of TAGDV multiple terms under various positions. My son Varun Prasath and daughter Shalini Prasath have been involved and participated in various activities of TAGDV. Both my kids studied in TAGDV Tamil school and participated and won many prizes from TAGDV. It was and has been our pride and pleasure to be part of TAGDV for all these wonderful past 33 years as a Life Member. Given my strong experience and well-being at TAGDV, I assure that I will do my best to carry out my responsibilities in the best interest of all the members of our Tamil Association. I actually have my own company ‘Varsha Solutions LLC’ registered under my name since April 2002, and I work for my company and have been very successful as an entrepreneur too, since I am happy with what I do.
My promises to TAGDV Patrons:
I will bring back full transparency in all matters in our organization.
I will re-establish the cordial relationship among all TAGDV members by involving all senior members from the past and embracing the new members.
I am ready to help any Tamil family in need of any kind of help, in whatever way possible from my side at all times.
I will do my best to bring back FETNA convention celebrations in our organization.
I will work towards accrediting our Tamil schools with the regular school system so that our children get credit in knowing and learning Tamil in their regular school system.
I will work towards reestablishing the same harmonious culture in our TAGDV that was there 33 years ago, when I recall celebrating the events by accommodating everyone in minivans and traveling together to event venues and celebrating Tamil festivals together very happily.
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